Holy to the Lord: Exodus 28-29

One of the unique aspects of the Old Testament is that it bring great clarity to New Covenant concepts that are hard for us to connect with; it helps us grasp the full reality of New Testament ideas that are often hidden in the fabric of Old Testament frameworks. The...

Matthew 13:12

Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. Matthew 13:12 NIV One of the most unsettling verses that no one knows about is this verse above. It has however leaked into the mindset...

Family Reunions – Gen. 44-45

This portion of the Scriptures is about Joseph’s reunion with his brothers – when they come to Egypt to find food for their father and their families. These brothers are the ones who sold him to a caravan headed for Egypt and then presented his torn,...