TRANSITION PHASE – October 4th, 2020
Children’s Programming and all events aside from Sunday morning service currently on hold through December.
We ask that those of you who are high risk or have an underlying medical condition to please consider staying home during the transition phase. We will continue to stream our services online at 9:30 AM.
Please visit the CDC website to determine if you are considered high risk.
What to expect when you return…

Please maintain a 6 foot distance – families can sit together.

Hand sanitizing stations will be placed throughout the building. High touch areas will also be sanitized between services.

We encourage masks to be worn but are not required.

There will be no 2nd hour activities: GroveU, Grove Kids or Grove Youth, until the fall.

Community Groups are encouraged to start meeting with social distancing.
Oak Grove Church Response to Federal and Minnesota Governments Coronavirus Mitigation Strategies
The Elder Council met on March 14th, 2020 to make decisions for Oak Grove Church in response to both Federal and Minnesota governments strategies to address mitigation of coronavirus spread within communities. National health experts have stressed the seriousness of this viral outbreak and seek voluntary cooperation from institutions throughout our society including communities of faith.
Following prayerful consideration Oak Grove Church Elders concluded the responsible and wise action is for OGC to cancel all church activities beginning Sunday, March 15 through Sunday March 29. We plan to resume all activities on March 30th, 2020. During this time the Elder Council will continue to monitor the progress of the federal and state mitigation strategy and then make further decisions as necessary to faithfully respond to community needs consistent with loving God, loving the church, and loving our neighbors. UPDATE: We will continue to suspend all activities until June 1st, 2020.
How Can We Stay Connected as Oak Grove Church?
1. Watch the services live here:
2. If you need assistance from the church call the office 763-544-1141 as we will maintain normal office hours, especially if you are shut-in and need help getting food, supplies, medicine, or other needs such as prayer or advice.
3. If you are able to volunteer to make deliveries to shut ins, please let Grant Willett know of your availability by either calling the church office or email gwillett@oakgrovechurch.org.
4. Call one-another to stay connected. If you are healthy, connect directly with one another.
One health expert stated, “If you have a respiratory illness of any type and you are coughing or sneezing, consider yourself contagious and act to protect the health of others.”
Thank you for taking this temporary situation seriously for the sake of our church and our neighbors.
What we’re doing
We will continue our normal cleaning and disinfecting procedures, but as a place of worship, we are also taking some additional steps to address potential health risks:
- Cleaning commonly touched items, such as door handles, faucets, drinking fountains, counter tops, children’s toys, etc., more regularly.
- Placing more hand sanitizers around the building.
- Offering plates will be at the doors. You can also give online.
- Opening the balcony in the Worship Center for social distancing.
- Increasing hygiene instruction (such as hand washing) for employees, volunteers and children in the Kids Ministry.
- Instructing employees and volunteers to stay home if they are ill.
- Sermon Livestream will be available Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM.
What you can do
- Wash your hands thoroughly and often.
- Do not cough, sneeze or wipe your nose with your hands; cough or sneeze into your elbow.
- Limit touching your face.
- Limit handshaking and fist bumps, especially with those having a medical condition or possible weakened immune system.
- If you are sick or exhibiting symptoms, please remain at home. We love you and hope you feel better soon.